TV3: Amb ‘Nervi’ no n’hi ha prou | Cinema and Television


Nervi It is a program for young people, and it is important that it is on television and that it militates in certain interests, but it cannot become the great cultural magazine, practically the only one, of TV3. I could have fet this paper for reformat Marcians. The poetics of Nervi You can port it to thematic restrictions. These first capitols have been attentive to fashion, video jocs, new (or not so new) music, comics, Brut plates, an agenda with a tract of favor to the stand-up comedians of the house… It was assumed that, conscious of this, the presenter has volgut reassured the spectators with other black clients – those who do not suffer: “Quiets, hi haurà espai per a tothom . Let us just begin!”

More than Nervi, A more general assumption is whether TV3, in this neguitosa hunt for young audiences on the platform and, also, in the mainstream of linear television, is obligated to other types of viewers or young people. Let’s see if Bernard Pivot (QED) had any idea that the parameters will be different, when he is going to formulate the second warning about how televisions may have different predilections about the audience. It was 1988 and it was empipat, very empipat, because the station had ended an hour (at 10:45 p.m.) on the second Culture Bouillon. He is going to write a book —Remontrance à la ménagère de moins de cinquante ans— in which they announced the gifts, that they had the domestic purchasing power, that their regnat with their favorite audience was over, they stayed on television because the increasing advertising of beers, drinks or motorcycles required rejuvenating the television clientele.

If TV3 was a great cultural magazine, with this Nervi no n’hi ha prou, and it will be worth remembering Gumes’ difficult promise: hi haurà espai per a tothom

Nervi It’s a bet from TV3. El Dijous, on the first channel, is the program-mare, presented by Andrea Gumes, well known in the podcast world. TV3 deu donate-li poc pressupost perquè Nervi It is, mainly, tertúlies, interviews… paraules to the set, carries some small more baroque piece, with the one specifically dedicated to Irene Solà. The satellites that orbit the 3Cat platform are very important. These are declarative podcasts, more restful and with clear agendas: talking about science fiction and pop phenomena (Replicants) or video jocs (three vines). Feres allows us to escort one more group that has sorted the program, and there are also three extensions of the continguts of the Nervi from TV3.

Talking about culture does not mean adopting the gravetat of a mortuary. TO Nervi no hi ha res de tot això. More aviat vol ser rialler. But not how to be forced. This demonstrates the program’s mateix that, in a tertúlia with serious poses, deals with the representation of sexual violence in books or on stages. I ho demonstrates Jacint Casademont, who is defined with “the teu entertainer of trust.” This versatile personality has fet a Nervi some conferences on Blackwater or Loco Mía with a festive irony in which cridaners don’t come to instruct us (“the visitors are going to be a bad time, if anyone remembers it, they won’t live it fully”).

The program can have strong militancy and favor certain cultural practices. Nervi, At the moment, there are cultural radars that neglect some coverage. The problem is being the only one. As Peter Burke explains (The ignorance, Arcàdia), els nous coneixements fan possible nous tipus d’ignorància. Això yes, tenint present Mark Twain (“all of us are ignorant, just as we are about different things”).

May it be that em passi com amb When the Martians arrive, that in its first capítols will be semblar-me atabalador and inventor of free synapses and ara ja fa molt de temps that donates profitable clues on the topic that it proposes. A program that the fan will say Marcians I have mentioned, for example, the agenda.

If TV3 was a great cultural magazine, with this Nervi no n’hi ha prou, i will remember Gumes’ difficult promise: hi haurà espai per a tothom.