The CSD forwards to the TAD the request for disqualification of Pedro Rocha, president of the managing committee of the football federation | Soccer | Sports


The inevitable regeneration process experienced at the headquarters of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) following the outbursts of former president Luis Rubiales in the celebrations for the World title won by the women’s team last summer in Sydney is on its way to destroy the old order that governed Spanish football. The last survivor, the “interim” successor of Rubiales Pedro Rocha, is also on the tightrope, accused of clinging for six months to a chair that does not belong to him.

The Higher Sports Council (CSD) has begun the procedures that could lead to the disqualification of Rocha, president of the Federation’s Management Commission, as this newspaper has been able to confirm and as happened in its day with the disqualification of former president Luis Rubiales for the kiss to Jenni Hermoso during the celebrations in Australia. The procedure is the same and has an identical origin: a complaint from Miguel Galán, president of the Cenafe coaching school and the man behind the lawsuits that have ended with the last presidents of the federation, Rubiales himself and, before , Ángel María Villar.

The complaint sent by Galán to the CSD chaired by José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes requests the disqualification of Rocha, the man designated at the time to continue leading the RFEF by a Rubiales who finally resigned when he found himself cornered on all fronts, FIFA, the CSD and even the Spanish Government. The reasons that Galán argues in his complaint against Rocha, to which EL PAÍS has had access, are based on the delay in the electoral call since former President Rubiales left office last September and on Rocha’s assumption of office. that do not correspond to a president of a management committee due to his interim status.

Having received a second complaint, with acknowledgment of receipt on March 18 – and which insists on the obligation of the Council to raise the complaint, even under threat of suing Rodríguez Uribes for prevarication -, the CSD informed Galán yesterday that has initiated the procedures to transfer it to the Sports Administrative Court (TAD), the person in charge, in any case, of making a decision on the matter. Thus, the CSD is working on drafting a reasoned petition based on Galán’s complaint, which it will submit to the TAD. The court will be the one to assess whether it sees evidence of a crime and decide whether to open disciplinary proceedings against Rocha and whether, consequently, it disqualifies him and removes him from his duties.

In his complaint, Miguel Galán, explains that Pedro Rocha became president of the Management Commission, but with a single competence: to call elections for president with the current assembly. But he did not. And it continues: “Pedro Rocha, as an interim body, did not exercise functions limited to the ordinary dispatch of federative affairs.”

And analyzes various episodes. Like the call for elections to the assembly without being president of the RFEF; or the holding of an assembly in which a salary of 675,000 euros was set and a budget of 392.1 million euros was approved without having the powers to do so; He also remembers that he dismissed the general director, Andreu Camps, who was once singled out by the Spanish soccer players and one of the leaders who helped resolve the crisis over the kiss with Jenni Hermoso; Likewise, it includes among the decisions for which it had no powers the renewal of the contract of the coach Luis De la Fuente, the dismissal of the women’s coach, Jorge Vilda, or the hiring of Montse Tomé in his place. All these decisions, he says, involve “entering into political trials establishing new directive guidelines, conditioning, compromising and preventing those that the future new president must set.”

Meanwhile, and despite having already received the pertinent instructions from the CSD, Rocha still has not called elections. The electoral call was scheduled for last Wednesday, the day that a unit of the UCO of the Civil Guard entered Las Rozas (and other homes) to carry out an intense and long search that ended with eight detainees, including the director of the legal services, Tomás González Cueto, and with Luis Rubiales and his friend Nene, investigated for supposedly belonging to a criminal plot accused of corruption and unfair administration that would have its operations center in the RFEF.

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