Rubiales informs the judge that he plans to return to Spain on April 6 | Soccer | Sports


The defense of the former president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation Luis Rubiales has informed the judge who is investigating him for alleged irregular contracts at the head of the federative body that he plans to return to Spain on April 6 and that he is “at the full disposal” of the judged, as confirmed by his defense to EL PAÍS. The former Spanish president has been in the Dominican Republic, as he himself has assured various media, for about a month. And he plans to return after the Easter holidays.

The document was presented yesterday morning, shortly after the operation of the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard became known in which his home in Granada and the headquarters of the federation, among other properties, were searched.

Rubiales and former soccer player Francisco Javier Martín Alcaide, alias Baby, a friend of the former director, are together in the Dominican Republic and are under suspicion. They could not be arrested this Wednesday as they were not in Spain. The note issued by Rubiales’s defense and his willingness to give the pertinent explanations seek to avoid arrest upon returning to Madrid. At the moment, none of those arrested this Wednesday have been brought to justice.

What is known as Operation Brody investigates alleged irregularities in contracts created in the last five years, some of them linked to the celebration of the Spanish Super Cup in Saudi Arabia, according to several sources close to the investigations. The agents of the armed institute, who also keep under suspicion contracts for events held in China and some works at the La Cartuja Stadium in Seville.

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