Rocío Carrasco, Christmas without the Fields


Rocío Carrasco’s relationship with her
biological family, as everyone knows, is not good. What’s more, in most cases, it is non-existent. Even with their children. Because, no matter how much she has implored her daughter, Rocío Flores, from the island of
‘Survivors’ that they sat face to face to iron out differences, that has not happened. It has not done so in 2020, which we are going to close, and it does not look like it will do so in 2021.

For the daughter of the greatest,
The Fields They have become his refuge. In a kind of second family where he has always been able to go when things got bad. They have stood up for Carrasco on television sets, showing loyalty to him. And with them he has celebrated the most special holidays and moments of his life. But, this Christmas, it will be different. Health issues, you know…

Maria Teresa Campos It is a high-risk population, due to age and the health problems it has had for years. In fact, even their daughters have taken special care these months, reducing visits and contacts as much as possible. So, everything indicates that Rocío will only share food this Christmas Eve with her husband, Fidel Albiac. Because Terelu already made it clear in ‘Viva la vida’ that her mother was only going to meet with her and her daughter, Alejandra Rubio.

These dates arrive for marriage in the midst of the headlines made, not long ago, that they are not going through their best economic moment either. Stalked by debt, the couple has not stopped being
press meat throughout a 2020 that is about to expire. And it has also left them with good news: that the museum in memory of Rocio Jurado is closer than ever to being a reality.