Amor Romeira, broken with pain over the death of her mother, pays her this beautiful tribute


Love Romeira This is going to be your saddest Christmas. The television collaborator has just lost her mother.
Mensi Medina, he just left us. While it is true that the former ‘Big Brother’ contestant has not detailed what caused her death, the truth is that she is
suffered a stroke a little over a year ago. Since then, she was never the same again.

It was Amor herself who broke the news. In
instagram. With a publication in which, next to a photo in which he appears with his mother and his sister, he has reflected the tear that invades him at this moment in the face of the blow that life has dealt him, taking one of the most important pillars it had.

“You taught me not to care what people said.”

“This is how we will always remember you, mommy,” it can be read. Because, in the photo, the three of them appear laughing heartily. And that is the image that she wants to last on her retina. ”
I thank life for giving me the best mother in the world. Thanks to you I am what I am. Because you taught me not to care what people said. That I had to fight to be who I wanted to be,” continues the Canarian.

Today you have gone to be a light and illuminate our paths! When they took you out of the house, people applauded you and shouted at you, Mommy. They told you: ‘See you Always Mensi’, ‘thank you for being my friend’, ‘we love you’, ‘we will never forget you’,” she added with great emotion to her farewell lines to some ‘followers’ who were devoted to her from the moment she hit the publish button.

We love you TODAY, TOMORROW AND ALWAYS“, ends that message that has not left anyone indifferent who has passed by the Love board since midnight this Tuesday.