Messi missing, the heir is Mbappé | Soccer | Sports


The man who breaks the air

A game is full of promises. We pay an entrance fee or turn on the TV in the hope that they will come true, but no one guarantees them and many times they do not come true. Except when a Super star takes over the scene and attracts the attention, the expectations, the hopes of his team and the terror of his rivals. They are usually a guarantee. In other words, Mbappé, when he appeared through the Reale Arena tunnel in San Sebastián it was an event, one of those appearances from which one expects who knows what events. His mere presence, resounding and already mythical due to his media power, referred us to a lethal one-man squad. When the game begins with a footballer of this category, we must actually be prepared to see two games: the general one, predictable, physically demanding and mechanically perfect; and his, a visual marvel, a dazzling gust of hurricane-force wind as he sets off unstoppably towards danger.

The great footballer hides in the brain

The first description seemed too physical to me, because it is easier to see the gallop of that thoroughbred running after the ball than to understand the possible solutions, some taken advantage of and others discarded, that pass through that head at an inconceivable speed. I was always fascinated by peering into the brain of a genius in action. In his first goal, the starts and brakes allowed him to gain half a meter where there were no spaces, to take an unexpected and lethal shot. In the second, his long career proved unstoppable. If we continue with the simile of the thoroughbred, that could not be stopped by shooting the rider or by shooting the horse. But the footballer appeared at the end, when his gaze, body and foot pointed to the far post, to adjust the unstoppable shot to the first. When Remiro discovered the deception it was already too late. The tie was over.

The best, now without rival

Mbappé knows how to wait. Lying on the left (at some point he will have jurisdiction problems with Vinicius), he seems oblivious to the game until a ball summons him and, then, like a dog being thrown a bone, he starts with determination and enthusiasm to show us a rich repertoire. Because his game contains the lie of the feint, the ability to look near and far to dribble in the first case or to enable a teammate in the second, and even pauses are allowed, which in a sprinter is very commendable. Precision in speed, vision, fake, pause, synthesis ability to build danger, goals in bulk so that the statistics remain calm. With Messi gone from the big stages, Mbappé stands as the only heir. He is the undisputed best player in the world right now.

Between hope and threat

The next day, a lackluster Real Madrid, too concerned with control, won in anguish against RB Leipzig. Since the fan also knows how to play with his imagination, he calmed down thinking that for next season Mbappé will have to be added to the equation. They were so dazzled that they quickly forgave him for the “betrayal” of Florentino’s first invitation and dispelled the concern that his star status could break their coexistence. Don’t worry, coexistence is easier for a mediocre person to break up. We forget that the best are thanks to his intelligence. I will be told that it is more his instinct, but instinct is the top speed of intelligence. I only see one problem, and that is that the season is not over yet and that wandering mine that has not been deactivated can still detonate in the brand new Bernabéu.

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