Juan Antonio Cinto: The president of the Valencian canoeing federation dies in an accident while training | Sports


The president of the Valencian canoeing federation, Juan Antonio Cinto, died this Thursday after falling into the Santa Quiteria reservoir, in the municipality of Almassora (Castellón). The 66-year-old leader was training with his brother when the accident occurred. It all happened around 5:00 p.m., which was when the emergency services received the first call. Upon reaching the reservoir, medical services tried to revive him, but it was too late.

Cinto had been within the Valencian institution for 26 years, where he arrived in 1998 as vice president, and then held the top position only two years later. Upon hearing the news of his death, the Royal Spanish Canoeing Federation issued a statement in which it regretted the news and expressed its condolences to family and friends of the regional leader: “The whole of Spanish canoeing wants to express all its love and affection to his wife, Yolanda, and his children in these difficult times, as well as all his siblings and family.”

In addition, the message highlighted Cinto’s work during his management: “In his 25 years at the helm, canoeing in the Valencian Community has evolved exponentially. Throughout this time José Antonio Cinto worked for and for canoeing, to improve this sport that, for him, was a passion that he shared with all of his family and friends,” he concluded.

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