From concern for her mother’s mental health to Cantora’s turned off light (so as not to spend): Chabelita Pantoja’s confessions after leaving ‘The Strong House’


Like every time a Pantoja comes out of a ‘reality’ show,
Chabelita has complied and has given an interview with which he has become the protagonist of the cover of ‘Readings’ this Wednesday. And his words, days after finishing his participation in ‘The Strong House’ (in that edition that Mahi Masegosa and Rafa Moya have won), are going to generate a new earthquake in Medina Sidonia.

The young woman tried to contact her from inside the house to interrupt her contest and go to Cantora to give her the support she needed.
He was not able to find her. It was an intermediary who declined this offer from her daughter for the artist, who explains how, since she left the program on Thursday, she has tried to call her mother and has both of her cell phones turned off. Also, that she refuses to dial her uncle Agustín’s number.

For the little he likes to spend, he blames the secrecy and claustrophobic atmosphere that exists in that Cantora that has become a kind of fort for these two Pantoja brothers and their mother, Doña Ana. ” The curtains are always drawn.
my uncle doesn’t want the light to turn on because it wastes. It consumes you,” explains Chabelita, who recognizes that “you go with enthusiasm and after two hours you want to leave.”

His reflection on how little it benefits Isabel mother to be by her brother’s side does not end there. Especially at this time when the environment is so concerned about the mental health of a woman who could have thought about the few gains she has from living. ”
I am able to climb the balcony to see my mother. The person who is with my mother does not benefit her, he should mediate between her and her son. “My mother needs a psychologist.”

Furthermore, the young woman explains, after watching Kiko Rivera’s intervention on Telecinco in ‘Cantora: a poisoned inheritance’ (remember that, when it was broadcast, she was already in the ‘reality’, isolated from the world), that this is
“very hurt” and he believes everything he says, because he sees him