Yanina Latorre uncovered Jorge Rial’s lie about Javier Milei and Furia’s relationship – The USA Print Magazine


It was Jorge Rial who generated a great controversy days ago by saying on his program that Javier Milei would meet with none other than Scaglione Furyrecently eliminated from Big Brother, since the President of the Nation would have asked to meet her.

However, it was Yanina Latorre who counted hours ago THE M who contacted Javier Milei to consult him about the statements of Jorge Rial about his supposed meeting with Fury. It was then that the politician surprised the little angel with his response.

Yanina revealed in the América cycle that she decided to ask Javier if it was true that she asked to meet Furia after being eliminated from Big Brother. To which the President of the Nation not only denied it but also confessed not watching Big Brother.

When I heard this yesterday, which was the day of the Flag ceremony in Rosario… I waited and when it was over, two or three hours later, I wrote to Javier, with whom I have a minimal connection from when he went to the programs,” began Yanina Latorre Hours ago.


It was then that he revealed: “‘What Fury?’, he asked me and told me that he didn’t like boxing. Fury was thought to be a boxer. He had no idea… I explained the whole situation to him, he told me ‘look, excuse me, don’t be offended, I don’t watch Big Brother, I didn’t know they were showing it and I didn’t know who Fury is‘”.

We started talking for two minutes and he told me that the only thing he watches from time to time is La Nación+… He told me that he was about to go to Europe. I asked him why he thinks Rial said that and he replied that he doesn’t know, that they must want to operate on him and they no longer know how. Brancatelli seems a little pathetic to me saying that they were going to give him a ministry. Sad, really, very sad“, he concluded.

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