Who is the Hollywood actor who became “legally blind” and uses his disability to his advantage – The USA Print Magazine


In recent days, one of Hollywood’s most famous actors spoke in depth about what is not usually a topic of conversation among figures in the film industry: disabilities. We talk about Jake Gyllenhaalstar of hits like Brokeback Mountain, among many others.

Gyllenhaal is 43 years old and knew how to forge a brilliant career in LA, despite being born with a “lazy eye”, a condition that diminishes his vision considerably but that, even so, he knew how to use to his advantage in his career.

This was stated by Maggie Gyllenhaal’s younger brother in conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, within the framework of the launch of the series Presumed Innocent (Apple TV). For the artist, the fact of seeing at six meters what anyone with normal vision can see at 380 is not a limitation.

“I like to think it’s advantageous. I have never known anything else. When I can’t see in the morning, before I put on my glasses, it’s a place where I can be with myself.”he indicated about his “legal blindness”as he defined his condition.


It happens that the actor has been wearing corrective lenses since he was six years old since his central visual acuity is 20/200 in his best eye, when he wears glasses. This situation that differentiates him from the rest of the artists is for Jake a point in favor, which gives a particular depth to his performances.

In that sense, the actor highlighted how in 2015, when he had to play a boxer in the film Revancha, he decided to act without contact lenses in one of the most dramatic scenes to demand that he listen to everything more carefully.

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