Who helped Débora Bello and her daughter overcome the separation from Diego Torres – The USA Print Magazine


Love stories can have an ending and it is up to their protagonists to write it in the best possible way. This was the case of the model Deborah Bello and the singer Diego Torres who decided to put an end to their relationship.

The truth is that both knew how to enjoy a relationship of more than 15 years and through which they were able to start a family with their little daughter. Nina Torres, eleven years old. Today perhaps it is time to turn the page, but without conflicts involved.

In this sense, the model and the singer decided to carry out a separation as pleasant as possible, prioritizing family over differences. Something that was reflected in each of the trips they shared, after the impasse.

This time it was Débora, who took advantage of her good flow of followers on her Instagram profile, to open her heart and answer the questions of those who closely follow her steps.

From the network’s question box, the protagonist did not avoid a fan’s query and referred to their relationship: “How did you manage to overcome the grief of separation? What was the first help?”

It is a very big emotional challenge. But without a doubt ACCEPTANCE is the first important step and letting the emotions flow,” He analyzed in an introspection about his post-separation feelings.

Following that line, the model mentioned the importance of having people who accompany the moment: “A SUPPORT NETWORK where I felt safe and supported, my friends and family were and are very important in this process.”

And in my case YOGA, MEDITATION and CONSCIOUS BREATHING helped me live in the present moment and quiet my mind,” concluded Débora Bello on how to overcome complex sentimental moments. As Diego Torres would say, it is “try to be better”.

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