What measure did Furia’s sister take after accusing the Big Brother psychologist of encouraging the participant to be violent in the house?


Fury is the most scandalous former Big Brother participant. The player left the most famous house in the world on Tuesday after a tense face-to-face with none other than Martín Ku, who seemed to be less strong than her girl.

It was Yanina Latorre who said just hours ago that a new scandal broke out in Big Brother because of Coy, Furia’s sister. According to the panelist, the woman had sent three document letters to the production of the cycle.

“The concern of the Big Brother production is not only Fury, it is also the sister. Everything is starting to get out of hand. They have already sent three document letters. The first is the one in which they said ‘nothing is wrong, we are not afraid’ and it is accusing of fraud over the issue of votes because they continue to insist on this about unification and the money they put in“, began.

It was then that he added: “The issue is that there were two million votes. That doesn’t worry the production. But the other two document letters are already stronger. In one of them they complain about her mental health, they complain that it would have worsened at home, her physical health due to the illness they have “.


“Then they complain about the issue of nutrition due to her illness, which was not entirely correct nor did she have a separate diet. This is what she (Coy) says. All of this is a nebula, it is not at all clear. There are also the other two more important“, revealed.

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