What is the trick that María Becerra used to have surgery on her face without it being noticeable? – The USA Print Magazine


In the midst of her hectic pace of life, with work responsibilities and tiring rehearsals to give everything in her shows, both physically and vocally, even so Maria Becerra He has a habit of taking time to talk to his followers.

During a live broadcast on her Instagram account, surely a little tired of hearing rumors and comments about her body, as often happens with famous figures in the media, the young woman decided to share details about the aesthetic changes she underwent.

While enjoying a plate of food, the talented 24-year-old singer decided to spend some time with her followers by answering some questions they left her. One fan dared to ask her: “Do you smoke tobacco?”without beating around the bush.

María Becerra, sincere and relaxed, answered the user: “No, not at all, I don’t like cigarettes. The smell maybe. For example, if someone is smoking next to me, it doesn’t bother me. Sometimes, I even find it pleasant. But smoking, no,” clearing up all kinds of doubts on the matter.

Another follower, in an attempt to find out more about the aspects of her intimate life and her secrets, asked her directly: “Who made your face?” “A surgeon, who is going to make it for me?”revealed the singer of Automático, without beating around the bush, as some figures tend to do.

I don’t have any cosmetic surgery, so you can say ‘you went to the operating room and had surgery’. Otherwise I would say it with ease. You know I don’t like to pretend.” Maria then added, continuing to give details about her cosmetic procedures.

She then went on to explain and share the changes she made to her body to look better: “I had my boobs done, I admit it. Also, it’s all hyaluronic acid injections in my lips and a few other areas. I’m not going to lie to you. What do you want me to say?”

Faced with this confession, her more than 14 million Instagram followers decided to go further and took the opportunity to ask her if she could move her eyebrows, to see if she hadn’t lost mobility in her muscles: “Of course, I have mobility in my face, it’s not like I’ve had Botox! No, I just use hyaluronic acid,” Maria closed, a little annoyed by the intrusion.

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