What if Isabel Pantoja had already removed Paquirri’s personal belongings from Cantora?


The history of the Pantoja clan changed on August 2. And he did it for the part we least expected: facing
Isabel Pantoja with his son, Kiko Rivera, who always stood up for the tonadillera, publicly, in the face of the most voracious criticism and the fiercest attacks. What happened that day? That he saw with his own eyes what she had denied, actively and passively, for more than three decades.

Indeed, those personal objects that Paquirri had left in
inheritance to your childrenFran and Cayetano Rivera, and that the artist always maintained that they had been stolen from her home, were right under her nose. He was speechless. And he began an investigation that led him to open those eyes even more. Because, according to what he has discovered, his mother would have manipulated him from his earliest childhood…

Julián Muñoz did not hold back, days after the first installment of ‘Cantora: a poisoned inheritance’ (where Kiko freely attacked his mother, making us see that
the gap between them is unbridgeableat least today), and corroborated that he also saw those right-handed objects that her children have been demanding for years, while she ignores Justice’s orders to hand them over.

However, those
Paquirri’s belongings They could, at this time, have left the farm located in the Cadiz town of Medina Sidonia. At least, this is how he explained it this weekend, in statements offered to ‘Socialité’, the
ex-partner of Juan Pantoja and, therefore, ex-sister-in-law of the tonadillera.

“Things come out after Kiko’s intervention on the 13th in ‘Cantora: The poisoned inheritance. Isabel gets in touch with this friend, who is not a fan, I want to make that clear, and
send all of Paquirri’s things in a van, at night. And that is done on the 17th, 18th, or 19th, one of those days,” she explained very firmly, placing them in the apartment of a good friend of Isabel’s.

After offering the information, he issued a warning to the bullfighter’s heirs, because Isabel seems to be one step ahead: “Kiko, Fran and Cayetano must get their act together because now we are breaking the news and
Isabel could now make another movebecause that’s how she works.”