What happened? Scandalous breakup of the Bros before the final of Big Brother – The USA Print Magazine


When troubled waters come, fishermen profit? It’s likely: perhaps Emma will end up taking advantage of having gone to the Big Brother final against two Bros who will surely split votes. Some of that seemed to be evident when Martín Ku had a bad fight with Nico Grosman’s mother after announcing that he will support Bautista Mascia and accusing Nico’s father of “playing dirty”. Iconic celebration? Iconic celebration!

It all happened in the mornings of Telefe during the broadcast of the programs of Georgina Barbarossa and Ariel Rodríguez Palacios. Next to the actress were Agostina and Nico’s mother, while at the cook’s you could see Martín Ku, a sort of leader of the Bros but who had just been eliminated precisely after losing a head-to-head vote with Nico. The back and forth was fluid until the Chinese man was asked who he was going to vote for to win the game..

Surprisingly, Martin abandoned any doubtful or ambivalent stance and assured that “Although we always said that a Bro never abandons or leaves another Bro alone, that was to get to the final. Now we have to play it and I have no doubt that Bautista is the one to win at 9009.generating great astonishment not only among viewers but also – and above all – in Nico’s mother, who couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“But well, I would like to know why” the woman managed to say, who has been campaigning for her son with quite good results. “A little bit because of affinity, because of how you get along, and also because of things I found out since I was outside the House.” Chino said in response. When Nico’s mother tried to delve into that answer, she found arguments that drove her crazy.


“Yes, of course, I’ll tell you: there were things about Nico’s dad that I didn’t like. What things? And, for example, going behind. Now that I’ve gone out I realized and I’ve seen that there’s another game out here, like a game of stop-and-go, and that Nico’s dad said one thing and did another. He went behind. I don’t like that and that’s why I’m also going to support Bauti. I even still have his shirt on.”the boy attacked again.

It was then that Nico’s mother lost all composure and first pointed out to Martin that “I think it’s a mistake to mix up what happens outside and what the rest of us do, for example parents, with the attitudes of the kids inside.”. He also reminded him that “Nico was wonderful with you even though you called him up several times and he always defended you”And since the Chinese did not give an inch in his “pro Bauti” position, he ended up exploding and confronted him “It seems to me that you wanted to take all the prizes, all of them, and since Nico beat you and left you out, you are taking revenge”Ladies and gentlemen, this is a disaster, a tremendous fight or an outburst of fury. Just fury.

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