What Flor de la V rudely asked Fátima Flórez on Martín Fierro on the radio – The USA Print Magazine


During the night of June 16, the Martín Fierro from the radio. There, different radio personalities in our country were awarded. Luis Ventura He opened the awards ceremony with a speech and then gave way to the awards ceremony.

I always said that radio had to have visibility. The radio is more alive than ever, ladies and gentlemen“, expressed the President of APTRA in part of his speech. Before all this, Florence of the V next to Pampito already Guido Zaffora.

The members of Intruders in the show spoke with the celebrities before entering the venue where minutes later the great celebration began. Fatima Florez She was one of those who wore a beautiful dress, but at the time of the interview a question from the host of the entertainment program caught attention.

At the beginning of the interview, Fátima maintained that “It was very latent to me. There were 8 thousand people singing, jumping, dancing. I had a hard time sleeping because my adrenaline was so high.“. After this came Florencia’s unfiltered question that did not go unnoticed.


Fátima Florez took advantage of the moment to talk about the interview that was not with Luis Ventura, who is the President of the Association of Argentine Television and Radio Journalists. She expressed that everything was clarified.

Regarding this situation, the actress told Flor that “I am hyper professional and I was worried. I already spoke with him and everything was resolved. It was a misunderstanding“On the other hand, the host praised her for the wonderful blue dress she was wearing.

Fátima Florez was in the spotlight for several months after the news of her romance with the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, was confirmed. Flor de la V, who is known for making unfiltered questions to her interviewees, surprised her live in America.

Do you miss Javier?“, asked the host in charge of the awards preview. Quickly and wanting to completely avoid the uncomfortable moment, the comedian expressed: “EPa, epa, epa… Let’s go to a cut and we’ll come back right away“. In addition, he jokingly told the person in charge of Intruders that “Flor, you are terrible, you are one thing… how did you learn in Intruders”

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