What are Chanel and Rigoberta Bandini doing in ‘Inside Out 2’? | Culture


Adolescence brings the mind to a boil. It can be seen well in the head of Riley, the protagonist of Inside out 2, the new Disney Pixar film, a continuation of one of the factory’s greatest hits, which won the Oscar for best animated feature film in 2016. If in that first installment the viewer witnessed the adventures of emotions in the brain of Riley, converted into the characters called Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, in the sequel a new and powerful feeling coexists with them: Anxiety. “When they called me to voice this character in Spanish, I was incredibly excited. “I’m amazed at the wonderful way the film talks about emotions and mental processes,” underlines Michelle Jenner, the actress who voices Anxiety, a character who also comes accompanied by Ennui (boredom), dubbed by the singer Chanel; Envy, in the voice of the singer and actress Rigoberta Bandini, and Shame, by the actor Brays Efe.

Studying what happens in the brains of adolescents is the goal of Pixar’s most anticipated sequel. Candela López, creative director of Disney Character Voices and responsible for the dubbing of Spain and Portugal, considers that Reverse “It helps parents explain to their children what their emotions are like and the children themselves understand what is going on in their heads.” What goes through their heads is a character “orange in color, with shapes that resemble electricity: tense and trembling and hair in spiky shapes.” This is how production designer Jason Dreamer defined Ansiedad during the promotion of the film.

Anxiety is a bunch of energy that wants to protect Riley and prepare her for any negative outcome. “Luckily, there is now more and better talk about mental health. I think that Inside out 2 It captures very well how this emotion works. If Anxiety takes the reins… something has to be done. We cannot normalize it, we have to see where it comes from and treat it,” says Jenner. The actress has been in the world of dubbing since she was 11 years old; she was the voice of Hermione Granger in Harry Potter; by Kiara in The Lion King 2; of Bella in Beauty and the Beast (2017), and it is the usual voice of actress Emma Watson: “I have focused on giving the character nervousness, haste, insecurity, and the need for control. Despite everything, Ansiedad is a very tender and fragile character, you just had to follow her,” she says.

For her part, despite her experience in voice acting, Rigoberta Bandini admits that, at first, giving voice to Envy was very difficult for her. “She is very high, very high, and she is very unpredictable. I didn’t know where to get it, until Quim Roca – dubbing director – told me to create it from her small body and her desire to be seen. And she appeared! ”Bandini says. Envy is small, but bully, jealous of what others have to awaken new illusions in Riley. “All of us have felt envy, the beautiful thing is that she is always a mirror, we envy those who we want to get close to. “I feel identified with that extreme admiration, that thing of idolizing someone and wanting to be them,” she admits.

Anxiety (orange) and Shame (with gray sweatshirt), in Riley’s control.Disney Pixar

According to Candela López, the biggest challenge has been to reflect the new emotions with respect and care, “even those that may seem negative at first, such as Anxiety and Envy, help us face different situations and enrich our lives.” The sequel to Reverse It also goes up a notch in the complexity of emotions with the appearance of Ennui (boredom), to whom the singer Chanel lends her voice. “Disney wanted to keep the term in French because it is the one used in psychology. It has a very sarcastic undertone, something typical of adolescence and maturity. All the layers of her are very interesting and intelligent,” Chanel admits. The director of the film defined Ennui like this: “If you ask a teenager how he spent the day and he answers you with ‘good’, that’s Ennui”, an emotion that his Spanish interpreter says he hasn’t felt much: “Not even I have felt it as a teenager, I have always had a lot of energy, that is why I have had to make a great effort in this work and I am very proud of the result. People say that they don’t recognize my voice and that’s good,” the singer points out.

Chanel emphasizes that it is important that “there is cinema that advances with society and helps raise new values,” she believes. Conviction supported by his co-star Brays Efe: “Pixar has been removing the ‘childish’ label from animated films for some time. The films reach young audiences in one way and adults – who also have the right to be excited and enjoy the cinema – in another way,” says Efe.

The actor of Paquita Salas She plays the mortified Shame, a shy guy who transforms his hoodie into an invisibility cloak when he wants to go unnoticed. “Shame is a typical emotion of adolescence. It wants to protect us from bad times, such as anxiety, that’s why they arrive together,” explains Efe, “it is also related to physical awakening, a change that parents also experience, who one day have a child at home and the next have little ones. “little men and women who do not understand their bodies.” For Efe, the new Pixar film should be seen with the family to break the myth that you cannot talk about emotions. “Reverse He taught me a lot. “Disney is part of our childhood, it has created very beautiful memories for us and it is quite incredible to have been part of the production,” she insists.

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