“We love pandemics.” The controversial party of the daughter of Guti and Arantxa de Benito


That 20 years does not happen every day and that it can be a special number, no one denies it. But, from there to having a party in the middle of the pandemic, as the
eldest daughter of Guti and Arantxa de Benito, there is a stretch. And social networks have gone up in arms against her after seeing the images of that
celebration in which the restrictions currently required to stop infections were not met, even remotely.

How do we know? For the videos that, to add insult to injury, were recorded and that have ignited Twitter users. In them, you can see how about twenty young people uncontrollably enjoy the Madrid night in one of its most emblematic venues,
Tiffany’s. Not only that, but in the screenshot that circulates, you can read how she wrote in her ‘stories’: ”
We love pandemics“. The icing on the cake of the provocation that ended up lighting the fuse.

“Once again it is shown that money is not at odds with the education your parents give you…
Posh girls“, “He bragged and joked about it on social media” or ”
She is irresponsible“, are just some of those indignant comments that can be read in the virtual universe, putting Zayra in check, who is going to have to face her first major controversy as a public face.

The truth is that, although there are
‘daughters of’ who have decided, once they turned 18, to get away from the spotlight (this is the case of Andrea Janeiro), others have taken up the ‘influencer’ life. AND
Zayra belongs to this second group. So now, you have to endure the downpour and do an examination of conscience to, from now on, be more responsible and not put anyone’s life at risk.