Watching Garbiñe play was spectacular | Tennis | Sports


I just found out, like many other tennis fans, that Garbiñe Muguruza has announced her retirement. I suppose it has been a long-considered decision, since her last official match was played in February 2023 in the Lyon tournament. This data indicates that in this last year, the great Spanish tennis player has had to harbor feelings of strangeness and discomfort, if only in comparison with the not so distant years in which she starred in many of the sports chronicles of our country.

He retires at 30 years old, an age that in other decades would have been completely normal, but which, currently, and in light of the changes that have occurred in our sport, is perceived as premature.

My first feeling, as a tennis lover and connoisseur of the professional circuit, has been a certain sadness at thinking that we will not be able to see her again on the women’s tennis circuit. But once I have read her statements, I have no choice but to applaud a decision that must not have been easy for her—turning the page on such an important time never is.

It seems that Garbiñe is not willing to continue giving up certain things, common according to her, that the competition prevented her from enjoying. For women who want to be mothers, and I sense from her words that this may be the case for her, competition becomes a great impediment. I am glad, whatever the circumstance, that she has made a decision that will surely make her happier.

Garbiñe Muguruza has been a tennis player with an enviable physique. Possessing excellent technique in all of her strokes and an aggressive game, watching her play tennis was truly spectacular. After her brilliant victory at Roland Garros in 2016, against the once almost unbeatable Serena Williams, a wave of deep admiration and the feeling that a new golden era was approaching for her was unleashed both in the world of tennis and in the sports press. Spanish women’s tennis.

In that unforgettable match, our tennis player was not only able to defeat the North American player, but she managed to overwhelm her and give the impression that she was even superior. It was easy to deduce that we were facing the future world number one and that, given her youth, only 22 years old, she would lead the ranking for many years. Those predictions of seeing her in the highest position came true only a few months after her when she also became champion in the prestigious Wimbledon tournament.

The reality, however, was that Garbiñe, from that moment on, was unable to remain stable. Her game became more erratic and unpredictable and she began to combine good victories with unexpected defeats. When a tennis player demonstrates the brilliant level that she displayed in those two years, 2016 and 2017, one must think that this lack of regularity was due more to possible internal contradictions than to purely tennis issues.

My memory, without a doubt, will be left with many moments in which I enjoyed his tennis and celebrated his well-deserved victories. Today I recovered some on my computer and I once again admired the beauty of his game and the very high level he managed to display against the most difficult rivals in recent years. I can only be grateful to you for all this and wish you the best in this new stage that begins from now on.

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