Virginia Demo will do theatre with a mega figure after leaving Big Brother – The USA Print Magazine


She spent months and months locked away in the depths of that tense house. There she came up against the obligation of living with strangers and knew how to find her tone, her position in front of a bunch of people. Virginia Demo successfully navigated through Big Brother.

Despite her somewhat early elimination, compared to certain predictions that placed her as a likely finalist, the La Plata native managed to generate a bond of empathy with a mountain of viewers, who detected a virtue in her honesty and her way of behaving.

At odds with Furia, which ultimately cost her her exit from the reality show, the blonde continued with total sincerity in her tours of the programs and especially in her participation in the debates, because she has stood up to the analysts, Santiago del Moro and her former colleagues.

Something shines in Demo and this is what a renowned theatre project understood, which is made up of figures of the calibre of Laurita Fernández, given that they decided to call her to join the piece, replacing Costa, whose resignation was loaded with assumptions.


Yes, Virginia has just landed a spectacular job and will play a character in Legally Blonde. Laurita gave the news in a live connection with the stand-up comedian on Instagram. In that digital universe, the famous actress told her: “First I want to welcome you and tell you that we are happy to receive you, that you are joining the team. You are the ideal person for this character.”

Wrapped up in a tidal wave of feelings for such an opportunity, Virginia told her: “I’m crazy. I’m super grateful and happy, I never imagined this.” And she revealed that she has already begun the fine-tuning stage of her work: “Today I had a first rehearsal, a reading of the script. I’m already studying. I’m super happy for this opportunity, I hope to be up to the task.”

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