Verónica Ojeda revealed if Dalma and Giannina Maradona are present in Dieguito’s life – The USA Print Magazine


Veronica Ojeda She was one of the women who passed through the love life of Diego Armando Maradona. As a result of the relationship with the former footballer, he was born Dieguito Fernando Maradonawho today is 11 years old and according to what his mother said, he has a character similar to that of his father.

Days ago, he had revealed what the trip they made together to Naples was like to be present at the opening of the exhibition called “Diego Lives” where not only Dieguito was there, but they attended Dalma, GianinnaDiego Jr and Jana Maradona was also there.

At LAM, program Angel de BritoOjeda expressed that “Gianinna told me later that she told her sisters ‘what nice things there are about dad. I mean, with them he opened up, he was able to speak, the blood pulls“, referring to the fact that they get along very well.

In Intractables, they made a note for him to talk about his present. There Verónica maintained that she has job proposals outside the country, which have nothing to do with television, but the journalist also asked her what Dieguito’s relationship with her sisters is like and the answer was surprising.


For years there was a lot of tension between the daughters of Diego Armando Maradona and Verónica Ojeda. With the passage of time and after the unfortunate death of the man who was world champion in 1986, the relationship has improved and Dieguito Fernando’s own mother declared it.

Regarding the meeting in Italy for the Diego event, she expressed: “There was no tension, on the contrary. Super relaxing and super fluid everything. The truth is that everything is fine with Claudia (Villafañe), very good relationship thank God and everything is fine. With the girls super good, they enjoyed themselves. That’s the right word, they enjoyed themselves“, he commented regarding the moment they lived in Naples.

After this, the journalist asked Verónica Ojeda about the role of Dalma and Gianinna Maradona in her little brother’s life and stressed that “I must say yes, because we talked and talked a lot. Let’s see, they are super reserved and I don’t understand it. I want to say that we have a super good relationship. It seems to me that it was the moment when we could all be at peace“, closed the topic.

They also asked her about the anecdote of Dieguito slapping Claudia when she was a baby and Verónica said that “Don Diego was hospitalized (Maradona’s father) and Claudia approached us, greeted Dieguito, he was annoyed and slapped him. That’s how she met him“.

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