Unicaja forces the fourth game against UCAM Murcia | Basketball | Sports


ACB – semi-final – working day 3

UCAM Murcia



There will be a double session in Murcia. Unicaja won against UCAM in the third game of the series and the two contenders for the final of the Endesa League will meet again on Monday (8:30 p.m.) (Barcelona hosts Madrid this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at the Palau with a 2 -0 against). Unicaja had no choice but to go all out from the beginning of the match at the Palacio de Deportes in Murcia and that is what they did.

After leaving the keys to the final at Carpena, he had to go out and look for a truce to force another possibility, so he got to work as the ball flew on the kickoff. Half the first quarter passed until UCAM managed to score its first points after an overwhelming run of 0-15, which went to 3-19 in a few seconds.

The local atony clashed with the visiting debauchery. Sito Alonso’s men did not score, nor did they fight for rebounds (3 to 10 for Unicaja). The Murcia players went to the thinking table, after the first 10 minutes, with a devastating partial (9-25), a shot of two after 11 attempts and a triple of four. Unicaja played comfortably, with rhythm and accurate shooting, although at the beginning of the second quarter they received three consecutive triples that did damage. UCAM improved, 22-29 with seven minutes to go before the break, but Osetkowski appeared to the rescue (18 points), while at home, Carpena’s hero, Kurucs, who had scored 21 points, was diluted among his team’s errors . He finished the game with his points box empty.

Unicaja played what it knows, and that was the key. They overcame the bad moment to put distance back on the scoreboard, with Perry appearing in the key moments of the second half, and only suffered, relatively, when UCAM pulled on pride to try to get closer on a scoreboard that they never controlled. But Unicaja had the temperance to overcome the bad moments and go 1-2 in the series, with a new chapter on Monday in Murcia.

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