Tollywood popular actress Poonam Kaur needs no special introduction. This cute grandmother, who has previously acted in Telugu as well as various languages, has been staying away from the film industry for the past few years. However, the beautiful star is often in the news with her social media posts and comments.
Poonam Kaur’s posts and comments on Andhra Pradesh politics and former CM Jagan have gone viral on social media.
Meanwhile, Wednesday (August 07) is National Handloom Day. Talukkumandi Poonam Kaur in Kerala traditional saree on this occasion. Photos related to this have been shared on social media.
As a result, they became somewhat viral. Netizens are making crazy comments after seeing this. She is being praised as very beautiful in saree.
Poonam was previously the brand ambassador of AP Handloom. He tried his best to bring due recognition to handloom textiles and industries.
Now Poonam Kaur was seen wearing a traditional Kerala saree as part of promoting handloom textiles. These photos are currently impressing the netizens