Today’s horoscope: Wednesday, July 3 – The USA Print Magazine


ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, bringing to the surface issues related to power and communication in your professional life. This transit can generate tensions when trying to express your ideas and opinions at work. It is crucial that you use this energy to transform your methods of communication, adopting a more strategic and assertive stance without falling into confrontations.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 20)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, challenging your beliefs and expanding your worldview. You may feel an intense need to defend your views in the face of opposing opinions. Take advantage of this transit to deepen your convictions and open yourself to new perspectives, allowing your ideas to evolve in meaningful ways.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, bringing to light issues related to control and transformation in your shared finances. This transit can trigger intense discussions about joint resources or debts. Use this energy to review and reform your financial agreements, seeking solutions that benefit both parties in a fair and balanced way.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, illuminating your closest personal and professional relationships. Power conflicts may arise in your interactions, forcing you to negotiate and find a balance between your needs and those of others. This transit is an opportunity to transform the dynamics of your relationships, fostering more honest and deeper communication.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, highlighting issues related to your well-being and daily routines. This transit can reveal hidden tensions in your work environment or in your health. It is a good time to approach these challenges with a transformative mindset, seeking solutions that improve your quality of life and allow you to adopt healthier and more efficient habits.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 21)

Today, Mercury, which has just entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, activating your creativity and personal projects. You may face internal or external resistance when trying to express your talents and desires. This transit invites you to delve deeper into your self-knowledge and transform any creative blockages, allowing you to manifest your ideas in a more powerful and authentic way.

LIBRA (September 22 – October 22)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, bringing issues related to home and family to the surface. Tensions and power conflicts may arise in your domestic environment, challenging you to communicate effectively and resolve pending issues. This transit is an opportunity to transform and heal family dynamics, promoting a more harmonious and balanced environment.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, focusing your attention on communication and close relationships. This transit can intensify your interactions, revealing hidden truths and deep motivations. It’s important that you handle this energy carefully, using your power of persuasion to resolve misunderstandings and foster more authentic and transformative dialogue.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 22)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, highlighting issues related to your personal resources and values. You may feel intense pressure to redefine your priorities and methods of earning. This transit invites you to transform your relationship with money and material security, seeking ways to align your resources with your deepest and most authentic values.

CAPRICORN (December 23 – January 21)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, putting your identity and self-expression in the spotlight. This transit can trigger an identity crisis or a confrontation with authority figures. It’s an opportunity to transform your self-perception and how you present yourself to the world, allowing you to communicate your truth with greater authenticity and personal power.

AQUARIUS (January 22 – February 21)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, activating your inner world and subconscious processes. This transit can bring to light hidden fears and patterns that affect your communication and decision-making. Take advantage of this energy to delve deeper into your psyche and transform any internal limitations, promoting greater clarity and authenticity in your personal expression.

PISCES (February 22 – March 20)

Today, Mercury, newly entered Leo, opposes powerful Pluto, focusing your attention on your friendships and social networks. This transit can reveal power conflicts or manipulations in your group interactions. It’s a good time to examine and transform your social relationships, seeking more genuine connections based on mutual respect and authenticity.

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