Today’s horoscope: Friday, July 5 – The USA Print Magazine


ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

The New Moon in Cancer brings a powerful energy of renewal and new beginnings in your personal and emotional life. This is an ideal time to set new goals related to your emotional well-being and your home. You may feel a strong urge to nurture your closest relationships and create a more harmonious and secure environment for yourself and your loved ones.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 20)

The New Moon in Cancer invites you to focus on communication and connection with your close environment. It is a good time to start new projects related to writing, learning or teaching. You may also feel the need to improve your relationships with siblings, neighbors or coworkers, encouraging a more open and sincere dialogue.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

The New Moon in Cancer prompts you to reconsider your values ​​and the way you manage your resources. It’s a good time to set new financial goals and develop greater material security. You may also feel the desire to invest in things that truly nourish your soul and give you a greater sense of stability and well-being.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

The New Moon in your own sign marks a period of new beginnings and personal transformation. This is a time to focus on your own wants and needs, setting clear intentions about how you want to grow and evolve. You may feel a renewed sense of purpose and greater clarity about who you are and where you want to go.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

The New Moon in Cancer invites you to reflect on your dreams and your inner world. It is an ideal time to retreat and recharge, allowing you to connect with your deepest emotions and unconscious desires. This transit suggests setting new intentions related to emotional healing and spiritual development.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 21)

The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to focus on your friendships and social networks. It’s a good time to make new connections and strengthen existing ones, as well as to get involved in group activities that inspire you and make you feel part of a community. You may also feel the desire to work on projects that have a positive impact on your environment.

LIBRA (September 22 – October 22)

The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to focus on your career and professional aspirations. This is an opportune time to set new goals and define the path you wish to follow in your professional life. You may feel greater clarity about your ambitions and a renewed motivation to achieve success and recognition in your field.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

The New Moon in Cancer invites you to expand your horizons and explore new opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. It’s a good time to embark on new studies, travels, or activities that allow you to learn and evolve. You may feel a renewed sense of curiosity and a desire to explore different cultures and philosophies.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 22)

The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to deepen your intimate relationships and the way you manage shared resources. It’s an ideal time to set new goals related to personal transformation and emotional healing. You may also feel the need to renegotiate financial agreements and seek greater balance in your closest relationships.

CAPRICORN (December 23 – January 21)

The New Moon in Cancer invites you to focus on your relationships and partnerships. This is a good time to set new intentions about how you want to relate to others, seeking greater balance and harmony. You may feel the desire to strengthen your emotional bonds and work on building healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

AQUARIUS (January 22 – February 21)

The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to focus on your physical and emotional well-being. It’s a good time to establish new routines and habits that will allow you to take better care of your health and improve your quality of life. You may also feel the need to reorganize your environment and find more efficient ways to manage your daily responsibilities.

PISCES (February 22 – March 20)

The New Moon in Cancer invites you to focus on your creativity and the expression of your talents. This is an opportune time to begin new artistic projects or activities that allow you to connect with your inner child and enjoy life more. You may feel a renewed sense of joy and a desire to share your creativity with others, looking for ways to inspire and be inspired.

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