“This is no longer possible” – The USA Print Magazine


María Fernanda Callejón almost unintentionally he achieved what he set out to do. Annoy, and in the worst way, Angel de Brito. And sow a scandal in your LAM work team, the not so loved but very feared ones.”Angelitas”. What happened? Let’s go in parts…

Ricky Diotto’s ex-wife got angry in a note with Nazarena Velez a week ago and abandoned a mobile from the América program after feeling mistreated (and she worked with Gerardo Sofovich and some “paquitos“) by her former roommates.

“Don’t invite me anymore. They have me tired. They always do the same thing. Apart from all the trouble they do to pay for nothing. Imagine if I am going to leave my house for 65 thousand pesos, and add the discounts they give you. It is a shame”said the brunette. That accusation and fight (which ended at that very moment) left the Angelitas thinking.

“Many are not good with numbers, but they took out the calculator and after a while they realized that they earn much less than what they offer to the Callejón for just going for one day”they said in the hallways of America, on the channel where LAM is broadcast.

The numbers look pretty simple: “Callejón said that they give him 65 thousand per day. That gives 325 thousand pesos per week. And approximately 1,300,000 per month. Why so much trouble? Because she never reaches that figure. What’s more: there is one that is barely halfway there,” they counted.

That led to a series of meetings and mutiny within the LAM panel. “There is one who earns 600 thousand pesos. Nothing. Yanina Latorre is on another level. She shouldn’t go below $3000. “But the girls are green with anger,” they say. “This guy is going on vacation, we hold the boat and collect poop”they added.

“They have to understand that not all of them are the same,” They defend themselves from production. “Some don’t even speak. They are not like Balli who, with her anecdotes, can sustain 20 minutes of the program alone. The issue is there, and it will be seen”say LAM producers.

Ángel de Brito dominated the topic from the United States, where he is on vacation. But upon returning there are already scheduled meetings because in America and Mandarina, the producer in charge of the program, they do not want the issue to go off the rails.

They all earn different salaries, huh. Some are producers to earn an extra mango. It carries information, it pays, and well. But the bad vibes are more than ever. And they all wait for Ángel to return to make a proposal. So there are several who do not want to continue”, they reveal. The one that is coming!

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