This is how he revealed the worst gossip – The USA Print Magazine


Luifa Galesio He is one of the few people who managed to reach the final stages of Big Brother. In his case, he was crowned champion of the edition that was broadcast in 2016, on the América channel, when the ratings were different and the repercussions of the reality show, too.

Luifa won the GH prize money (much more humble than what is offered now) and something else: a relationship with Ivana Icardi that transcended what had been born secretly in the corners of the house. However, the couple did not get over what happened next and they separated in a confusing way.

What is known is that, after spending time in Buenos Aires and riding the wave of post-Big Brother, Luifa and Ivana Icardi traveled together to Italy, where the young man was able to develop his career in soccer. In the meantime, the sister of Mauro Icardi He signed up for another reality show, in Spain, Survivor, where she fell in love with another man, with whom she would later have a daughter. She forgot about Luifa Galesio and never spoke about him again.

And now, after a few years, the former little brother sat down in the Intrusos studio and told the background of that romance that left more than one question floating in the air. So much so, that Laura Ubfal He asked him if he was still in love with Ivana Icardi.

No, after everything I endured… Ivana was very important to me, I always say that, after Big Brother I went from a normal life to making appearances and they offer you everything. If I hadn’t had her at that time, I would have fallen into addictions,” the athlete acknowledged.

Ready to sing his truth, Galesio fired: “Beyond the fact that she later behaved badly towards me because I defended her when she was being attacked everywhere. I heard interviews with her and she doesn’t even mention me. When we went to Italy she came to live with me for a year and a half or two and I was the only one working. I’m happy, I don’t blame her because she helped me at the time.”

What hurts the former GH contestant the most is the snubbing he felt from Icardi when the Spanish reality show Survivor ended.I was sad, she had left my number so I could defend her and I defended indefensible things. I didn’t expect it to come out of it.”he noted, adding: “He entered the Italian Big Brother and something happened with a boy, that was the breakup… I didn’t like it at all. She was clear when she came out, she told me. She hurt me and I returned to Argentina.”

Despite the pain, Luifa Galesio said that he was happy to know that his ex had become a mother, although he said bluntly: ““I lost all the respect I had for her with what happened on Survivor.” According to him, the woman had promised to continue their relationship after the reality show ended, but what he received from her was, instead, an attitude of total indifference.

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