This glory yes | Woman Today


With Gloria Steinem it happens to us as with
Chaves Nogales. Can you stop bothering us now? The legendary American feminist did not like the series ‘Mrs. America’, she found it ridiculous in the sense of history, because it gave the impression that the equality law was not approved due to the opposition of
Phillys Schalfly. Rose Byrne played her. She may complain about the interpretation, but not about the plant. like she said
Nora Ephron of Gloria, it was “the only thing remotely chic related to the feminist movement.”

In the film
‘The Glorias‘he interprets it
Julianne Moore (and
Alicia Vikander as a young child). Now she is the total protagonist. The film, directed and produced by
Julie Tymor, is based on his own book, ‘My Life on the Road’. At 86 years old, she must not care that ‘Newsweek’ called her “the Barbie of the counterculture.”


An image from ‘The Wilds’ /


If you want to watch teenagers, there are Spanish series (‘The disorder you leave’, Netflix) and American series, such as
‘The Wilds’ (Amazon Prime), a kind of ‘Lost’ crossed with ‘Euphoria’ with music by Pink for a funeral. Teen drama and survival series. Girls more lost in their normal lives than when their plane, on the way to a retreat in Hawaii, crashes and they end up on an island. We will see, in ‘flashbacks’,
Dot’s hard life, who deals drugs while caring for his sick father. Or Leah, heartbroken. Or Rachel, a trampoline jumper with bulimia problems. And to all the others. But there are also strange things, like in ‘Lost’.

In that negotiation enters
Rachel Griffiths (‘Six Feet Under’, ‘Five Brothers’). And you want to keep watching to find out what the hell is going on there. Created by
Sarah Streicher (‘Darevil’), Susanna Fogel, screenwriter of ‘Superempollonas’, is also around.

The false reactionary

The cover of the book. /


Ediciones Encuentro publishes in Spain the memoirs of
Alain Finkielkraut, ‘In first person’. The French philosopher and, with Élisabeth Lévy, soul of the magazine ‘Causeur’, is a true cultural critic. A partisan of individualism, tolerance and reason. A reactionary for progress. Someone who is not allowed to speak at universities. Through these pages he covers denialism, anti-Semitism, gender ideology, totalitarianism, the regression of culture, contempt for tradition, meritocracy and some gossip. Perhaps this most personal book is, in addition to
an intellectual biography, a response to the fanatical multicultural left that has abandoned basic republican ideas. “I think they are the reactionaries.”

The red duchess in prison

An image of the book cover. /


The Duchess of
Medina Sidonia He ended up in prison in 1967 after leading a neighborhood demonstration to get the US and Spanish governments to collect the radioactive material from Palomares (you know, the Americans lost a tanker plane and a bomber carrying thermonuclear bombs). He served his sentence, went into exile in Paris until Franco’s death and published articles about prison conditions. Renacimiento rescues, in an edition by Soledad Fox Maura,
‘My prison’ (1970), with photos and documents about that experience so well told by the woman herself
Luisa Álvarez de Toledo.