“They told me they gave me one year to live.” Asraf Beno’s drama that breaks him at the gates of the final of ‘The Strong House’


A week ago, a preview was given, what is called a bait on television. At the same time that
Chabelita Pantoja and
Asraf Beno participated in ‘The Strong House’, the program ‘Volverte a ver’ would be broadcast in which both were protagonists and where it was revealed that the model suffers from a very serious illness that, for a long time, he kept hidden even from his partner. In that preview, and from the ‘reality’, it broke.

Last night,
Chabelita and Asraf were expelled of ‘The Strong House’ at the gates of the final (sorry, Anabel Pantoja, you have failed in your prediction). And she touched on that topic again, just before leaving the space.
“It’s not cancer, it’s not tuberculosisbut it will be something… I don’t know yet,” he said about the uncertainty that weighs on his head due to the doubts that the doctors have.

Asraf with teary eyes in ‘The Strong House’. /


“I don’t like being treated like a poor thing, but
This last year I have had a very bad time“, he confessed through tears before his girlfriend came out to help him in the midst of that pain, remembering what these months have been like, since the problem was discovered in those medical tests prior to entering a ‘Survivors’ in which the Moroccan could not enter for this health reason: ”
We have to wait to see how it evolves“.

We heard the harshest words on this subject from Asraf just a week ago, on that program that Carlos Sobera presents: ”
They told me they gave me one year to live.“Luckily, it seems that this prognosis was far from being accurate. But Asraf continues to hope that the uncertainty will be removed and he will be given a diagnosis that will reassure him.