“There is a setback in…” – The USA Print Magazine


Luis Novaresio surprised by revealing that he feels firsthand a government retreat that leads to the stigmatization of homosexuality. Filoso, the driver of The Nation+ said “The issue intensified… we have officials, we have a secretary of state who not only wants to abolish gender identity, abortion, and equal marriage laws but also wants to abolish divorce“.

“In the context and at the time in which I grew up, it was not easy to be gay. Homosexuality continues to be, and very much in this time, in this period we are going through, it continues to be stigmatized,” Luis began, with his own voice, in Vamos las mujeres, the program Mercedes Cordero in it City Channel.

“The issue intensified… we have officials, we have a secretary of state who not only wants to abolish gender identity, abortion, and equal marriage laws but also wants to abolish divorce“, Novaresio expanded in the “hand in hand” talk.

“You understand the level of black and white. I always say be careful with the subject. We are privileged. I lived in Rosario, which was one of the first cities that defended the rights of diversity. But you run away a little from these great cities and being the town’s whore is complicated”, Luis stated.


“I want to clarify that I defend the word puto… I think it is a nice word, it sounds beautiful from Fernando Peña onwards. The word doesn’t make a sound in my ear. Besides, I see a setback in the discussion of these issues…”Novaresio closed, super precise in his definitions.

Let us remember that the driver is married to Braulio Bauab, who surprised him with the appointment at the Civil Registry. “When we met we said that marriage didn’t make sense… Time passed, we fell in love and we suggested that it wouldn’t be bad to get married. He asked me what he had to do on July 15, there was a lot missing and I told him ‘I don’t know.’ “He asked for an appointment to marry us without telling me. We got married ten years after the Equal Marriage law was passed.”

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