The wave of cyberattacks extends to media and celebrities on TikTok and also to hospitals | Technology


The wave of cyberattacks continues to expand in all categories. A hijacking of systems and data affected the main hospitals in London last Monday and, this Wednesday, the social network TikTok confirmed attacks suffered last week by media accounts, such as CNN, big brands and other “high-profile” ones. profile”, among which are that of the popular Paris Hilton.

The American news network CNN informed TikTok of the attack, which forced the station to suspend its activity on the social network for several days. Simultaneously, similar actions were reported in the accounts of popular people and large companies.

TikTok has confirmed the incident: “Our security team is aware of a possible exploit (a program that exploits a bug or vulnerability in an application or system to cause unintended or unexpected behavior) targeting multiple high-profile accounts. We have taken steps to stop this attack and prevent it from occurring in the future. “We are working directly with the owners of the affected accounts to restore access, if necessary.”

TikTok warns on its security page that “fraudulent messages are a common method used by hackers (hackers) to deceive and defraud others into providing them with their personal data” and that these can arrive through the social network application itself, which warns that it never contacts in this way to claim this type of information.


Another major cybersecurity incident was recorded this Monday, when a cyberattack affected London’s main hospitals and forced the cancellation of numerous health care services, including transfusions and primary care services, according to the British Health Service (NHS).

The hijacking of hospital systems and data shows the special virulence of the wave of cyberattacks, since health centers are usually a red line that many mafia organizations are reluctant to cross. However, in the last year they have increased and led the European Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA) to demand a reinforcement of defense systems. European suppliers, administration, pharmaceutical industry and hospitals have experienced a increase in threats and incidents between 42% and 53%, according to the Spanish electronic administration portal.

The company’s first Iberia Security Report Check Point For Spain and Portugal, it has detected an average of 1,133 weekly cyber attacks per company and a dramatic increase in cyber threats. ransomware (kidnapping and extortion). The most attacked sectors in the area have been health, education and communications. The report State of CPS Security Report: Healthcare Claroty also estimates that 63% of the vulnerabilities exploited last year affected networks of healthcare companies such as hospitals and clinics.

“There are countless intersections between complex infrastructures and supply chains. software (programs) and services. Attackers are increasingly targeting these elements, causing wide-ranging disruptions to key social functions. “We need ways to ensure that critical services, such as healthcare, continue to operate securely and reliably, even when parts of the infrastructure are under attack or compromised,” explains Awais Rashid, head of cybersecurity at the University of Bristol. SMC.

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