The two times that Rafael Amargo has had to enter a detoxification center


Rafael Amargo would have liked it if, in this final stretch of 2020, his name had appeared in the headlines and in press reports just because of that ‘Yerma’ show that premiered ten days ago at Madrid’s Teatro de La Latina. However, his arrest two days earlier for an alleged crime of
drug traffic and another of a criminal organization, has blurred everything.

Especially when, after his release, he had scheduled an interview with
‘Deluxe Saturday’ that was never offered. The dancer left the Telecinco space stranded at the last minute for an issue that, now, is known to have been exclusively for economic reasons. He asked for 50,000 euros and, after rigorous negotiations and tug-of-war, he did not go below 40,000 and the program was not willing to go above 30,000, 10,000 more than what he put on the table at first.

This being the case, and after knowing this dance of figures, Amargo was willing to enter this last Monday morning in
‘Public mirror’. There he denied that he had stated before the judge, during those hours in which he had to testify, that there was “a lot of joy” in his house, that what is there is ”
a lot of literature and a lot of culture“In addition, he made it clear that, at his parties, the guests are free to do what they consider without this implying that he had anything to do with it: “He who consumes in my house also consumes in his.”

The artist took advantage of this intervention to make it clear that, although it is true that ticket sales for his show have increased since the controversy broke out, ”
Before this it also filled theaters“. You do not want your work to be distorted, because it would not be fair to assign all the credit for success to extra-work circumstances that only concern the sphere of your privacy.

Amargo spoke again, as he did at the time of his release, which has
five years without using any type of drug, although he acknowledges that, on two occasions, he had to enter rehabilitation due to “overwork.” And he added: ”
I stayed three months the first time and then another two“.

He also did not shy away from giving details about the moment of arrest: ”
They put us in a portal and we were freaking out“. He explained that the agents searched through his belongings and that some of them have never been returned to his possession. Among what Rafael misses, “a ring.” “They may have heard: ‘I’m going to kill myself because I’m so tired What am I doing, give me a kilo of heroin and see if I can put it in my veins.’ Do you think that can be true? “He expressed himself about the wiretapping.

And what is true in that
Blanca Romero, one of the female stars of the ‘show’, has left in the midst of this commotion? He cannot confirm or deny that she has left the play, because she has had no signs of life from the actress since she was arrested. “Production called her and she
He hasn’t answered or left a message.“, he pointed out, leaving it in the air that she is going to get on the stage at some point with him.