The Turk García taught the trick to steal covers that he uses in Argentina – The USA Print Magazine


In the middle of his marathon trip through the United States, where he settled to follow the entire Copa América with a generation of content for his platforms, the Turkish Garcia He ran into a Brazilian at a roadside spot and offered him a controversial idea, which went viral.

The former soccer player is in the country of North America to create videos and encourage the Argentine National Team in this international competition, in which he debuted with a joy against Canada. The famous man moves through different cities with a troupe.

In the company of his wife and a group of friends who also act as cameramen, the Turk records everyday situations, such as his access to different stadiums or living together in a minivan specially designed to travel enormous distances.

On one of the roads, García stopped at a service station and met a Brazilian, there a funny dialogue took place, but above all the former striker gave him a very silver idea, which is linked to taking advantage of the contractual conditions. Insurance.


What happened? El Turco stood next to the Rio’s four-by-four truck and explained his modus operandi for renewing the tires. ““When it’s spent, you call the insurance and say they took it from you.”he expressed it with great effort to overcome the language barrier.

The tourist was surprised by García’s idea and even acknowledged that he would take note of this trick from now on and that he would probably do it in the future.

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