the strange reason that “separated them” in their favorite activity – The USA Print Magazine


Benjamín Vicuña and Ana Espandin, his current girlfriend, decided to take a step back from their usual sports activities to avoid being seen together. The artist and the numbers expert decided to modify their routine in order to avoid being photographed together and generate different comments among the people who know them and who they have in common.

“It turns out that Anita and Benjamin did not return to the gym after we gave the scoop on Socios. They are the talk of the gym.”they said in Partners of the show, the program of Rodrigo Lussich and of Adrian Pallares, in the mornings of The 13thabout the present of Benjamin and Anna.

“Her ex-husband, the father of her children, is hurt and has not returned either,” They expanded on the family history behind the love story that developed between the artist and his new partner. “They left the gym to avoid comments, but the truth is that the relationship is still going strong,” They clarified the present in the bond between Benjamin and Anna.

Let’s remember that the romance was confirmed a few days ago. The couple met in between training sessions and, according to reports, it took the Chilean actor about a year to conquer and win the heart of Espnadín, who until recently was married.


“I’m meeting someone, she’s wonderful… I’m very happy. We’re getting to know each other, imagine how embarrassed I am to talk about this in front of all the people.”said Benjamín about his feelings towards the financial expert, with whom he had a romantic relationship 7 months ago, although he assures that the relationship took place less time ago.


Ana is 40 years old, a mother of two children, she ended a long marriage a few months ago and is considered one of the most beautiful women at the gym she used to go to and where she met Vicuña, who was dazzled by her beauty almost from the first day he met her.

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