The sex videos of Marina and Isaac and Lola and Carlos blow up Temptation Island 3. Does it make sense to watch this edition if we already know what is going to happen?


The first episode of the third season of Temptation Island ended with a cliffhanger:
the alarm that announces to the boys That someone had crossed the limits in the girls’ village lit up like the lighthouse of Alexandria. Only with that detail did Telecinco think that it was going to ensure other
three million people plugged into tonight’s Temptation Island gala or, better yet, manage to beat that record next Thursday. but two
videos published on the account of an unidentified Twitter user in which Marina and Isaac and Lola and Carlos appear having sexual relations may have turned The Island of Temptations into the island of spoilers and have ruined the intentions of the friendly chain of
succeed once again with your hottest program and that so many good/bad moments have been given to us thanks to the infidelities of others (how can we forget Melyssa and Tom?).

Isaac “Lobito” is already a veteran of reality shows, he liked Marina and broke up with her. /

the island of temptations

Quartz Productions (the program’s producer) has issued a statement rejecting the dissemination of this material and promising an internal investigation to clarify how this leak occurred. But the producer not only faces all kinds of
legal problems due to the dissemination of the video (we will have to clarify responsibilities and collaborate with the justice system to find the culprit of the leak because at least two of those affected, Marina and Isaac, have already reported the situation to the police), but it also faces an audience problem that is still elderly:
Does it make sense to see this edition if we already know what is going to happen?

Marina has not been faithful to Jesus… and you could see it coming from the first minute /

the island of temptations

And it’s not that we weren’t all clear that Marina’s story was a no-brainer. Behind the
first episode of Temptation Island There was already a preview of what was going to happen with Isaac saying that he liked girls like Marina and Marina saying that destiny told her that she needed a change in life and the fooling around between the two was evident from the first second. If we add to this that the Sevillian
She defines her boyfriend Jesus as someone “who is good and stupid” and that he had already had mistakes before… well, white and in a bottle.

As to
Isaac alias Lobito is not the first time he appears on camera as God brought him into the world: The fans of the former Super Shore contestant commented after seeing the video with Marina on Twitter that Isaac already gave away a frontal and quite explicit nude a long time ago on his own Instagram account… unintentionally. The video is no longer posted, but it remained recorded in the retinas of those who saw it and are now commenting on it on the networks.

What of
Lola with Carlos is less expected if we take into account the one that Lola had with her boyfriend
Diego Aka James Lover when they verified that in the casting of temptresses with whom he abandoned his partner was one of the girls with whom Diego kissed in a video clip.

“I helped him choose the girls for the video clip he was recording. I asked her not to kiss anyone, but she did it with two and didn’t tell me.
I got very angry because I am jealous and mistrust began“explained the former candidate for Mujeres Hombres y Viceversa on Telecinco. Basically Lola went to Temptation Island 3 to check Diego’s fidelity.

In Diego and Lola’s couple, she was the jealous one… but she is also the one who ended up in the pool with Carlos. /

the island of temptations

Lola messed up Diego in the first episode of the reality show when she saw that one of the girls Diego kissed was included in the casting.
Lola set the limit for Diego to have a kiss, come on, not even a dance with anyone. But it is Lola who, mysteriously, ends up in the pool with Carlos, a muscular 34-year-old businessman from Seville, declaring that he suffered a lot on the program and that he would not go again.

Will knowing what will happen ruin the good audience figures for this edition of Temptation Island? Or are we
so addicted to morbidity that we don’t care and we will go en masse on Thursday at 10:00 to Telecinco to see the boys’ bonfire and how they assume their respective horns? Who will run down the beach first shouting the name of his love, Diego or Jesús? ¿
Or they will take revenge and also fall into temptation?