The present is written with AI and the Administration knows it | Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the business world with its ability to transform data into strategic decisions and optimise the use of workers’ time by automating tasks. This scenario is being transferred to Public Administration to reduce times and improve the quality and efficiency of services.

This is the case of the public business entity Red.esattached to the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Civil Service, which has implemented the use of generative AI in its recently announced Kit Consulting aid program, an initiative of the Government of Spain aimed at SMEs with between 10 and less than 250 employees, intended to contract specialized and personalized digital advisory services, which can be requested since June 18.

The artificial intelligence tool performs a first review of the submitted documentation, checking for plagiarism, whether the documents are complete or whether any required information is missing. had already taken an important step with the Kit Digital programme, which since 2022 has been promoting the digitalisation of small businesses, micro-businesses and the self-employed. This programme uses an innovative automated processing system that employs robotisation and Artificial Intelligence tools to reduce the bureaucratic burden, decrease the number of documents required and shorten the granting periods. Thus, the processing time for a file was reduced from three hours to three minutes. With Kit Consulting, this methodology evolves, including phases that allow the generation and validation of deep learning models to be automated.

In have been working to ensure that, in addition to its presence in the application and award process, AI is also essential in the verification process for the justifications of advisory services. This methodology uses generative language models (Large Language Model, LLM) to detect plagiarism and check the quality of the content of the documents submitted. AI improves processing times and the quality of verifications through thorough checking that would otherwise not be possible.

Kit Digital uses an innovative automated processing system that employs robotics and artificial intelligence tools.Galeanu Mihai (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The AI ​​tool performs an initial review of the submitted documentation, checking for plagiarism, whether the documents are complete or whether any required information is missing. An expert then evaluates and issues the final decision. In addition, after the meetings to present the results between beneficiaries and digital advisors, a virtual auditor reviews the recordings to verify consistency with the final report submitted, offering a second guarantee that the work has been carried out correctly and providing greater traceability than other tools.

This new proposal for the Administration will be tested and improved progressively. Those responsible estimate that it will save 80% in validation times, reducing the time from five hours to one hour per file. Kit Consulting is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union through NextGenerationEU funds, and has the Spanish Chamber of Commerce as a collaborating entity.