the photos – The USA Print Magazine


These are days of beach and sun for Delfina Chaveson vacation with her Dutch boyfriend Martin Lakemeierthe actor who played King Guillemo, his co-star in the biopic about Máxima Zorreguieta that he starred in in Amsterdam.

In love with the actor, Delfina traveled to Brazil to relax after intense months of filming and press conferences. However, in the midst of those idyllic days in which she joined all the beach activities, Paula’s sister suffered a painful misstep that left marks on her head.

What happened? Delfi wanted to follow his boyfriend in one of his passions, surfing, he was encouraged to tame the waves, but… things happened. This was shown by her on her Instagram stories, where she shared a photo of the small cut she made at her hairline, right on her forehead.

“And I became a surfer and I tried again with that beginner board that is made of styrofoam”, Delfina wrote when uploading the image to her networks. An injury that, fortunately, is very easy to hide and that was not serious or an impediment to continuing having a great time with her love.


“He is now in Amsterdam. The series premieres in April. She is a genius. She is a scholar. She started studying English, Dutch, because the series is from there. “She is a genius”Paula Chaves commented months ago, when she accidentally ended up revealing that her sister was dating.

And when the relationship was an open secret, Delfi ended up assuming what happens with her partner on the sets: “We really had each other while working, we had a lot of fun and we are ready for what’s next. I think we kept very good company with each other. And yes, I think there is some chemistry.”

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