The panelist who tested positive for alcohol testing was left without a car or registration and had to take a course to recover them.


“If you’re going to drive, don’t drink”. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of awareness campaigns with these suggestions, requests or requests have had different results, but there is never a bad opportunity to reiterate them. Somehow they did it on TV: they took advantage of the stumbling of one of their members to make it clear that you should not drink before getting behind the wheel.

Since the end of last year, the mornings of the Ciudad channel host the program Empezar el día. He came in to replace Mañanísima, who left that cable signal to move to the air of channel 13, and remains there, firm and solid in his walk despite the rumors that “the production” does not get along with Yuyito Gonzalez, his driver.

Along with Yuyito, two panelists stand out, a man and a woman, Each with its own style. On the one hand Facundo Venturaquite measured in his statements but firm in his convictions. And on the other hand Pochi from Gossipeamewho managed to jump from social networks to television.

Pochi is also quite brave when it comes to taking a stand on conflictive or controversial issues. While some prefer to avoid some issues to avoid problems, she gets involved without drama. Recently, for example, she raged against Pablo Echarri, whom she directly accused of being a thief because of his sympathies with Kirchnerism.


Now, Pochi had to be absent from one of the broadcasts of the morning cycle since, as she herself said at Yuyito’s request, “They caught me with the car, I gave a positive breathalyzer test for nothing, for very little, and well, to get everything back I had to take a course. It’s a course that lasts four hours and it’s good, because you learn some things”.

“I learned, for example, that if someone is riding a motorcycle with a companion and the person has more alcohol than allowed, they will also take your motorcycle. More than 0.20 they will take your motorcycle and you have to pay the fine and take the course like I did. “ Pochi concluded. I hope I have learned, and everyone does too.

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