The new version of Tom and Melyssa’s drama in Temptation Island: Lobito and Carla Divinity are going to be the tempters of the reality show that is sweeping television and Instagram


morbidity hooks and sex sells, you don’t have to be a genius in television programming to realize that the spectacle that the new season of Temptation Island is going to offer may not be intellectually stimulating, but it is certainly going to be a success. The cocktail proposed by this third edition of the program that has
glorified running along the beach screaming your partner’s name to the four winds, the most horrifying stereotypes of toxic love and crying on your knees in front of a
Sandra Barneda stupefied when you discover an infidelity,
promises to feed the audience’s desires for bait.

They have already been
confirmed the five participating couples and the casting promises: couples who have been dating since they were fifteen (and they are 20); couples taken from
Women, men and viceversa and Big Brother;
couples in which he calls himself James Lover and, ultimately, couples who want to be influencers and share with the rest of the reality’s inhabitants that they have already suffered or committed some infidelity in the past. And at Mediaset they don’t want to leave anything to chance: if the program is about infidelities, let’s fill it with couples with fidelity problems.

With all of you Carla Divinity, the perfect woman, according to her. /


If the casting of couples does not leave any loose ends, neither does the casting of the “temptations”. There are already two names confirmed: they will have to avoid succumbing to the
lush charms of Carla Divinity, the woman who defines herself as an influencer and perfect on her Instagram account; and they must avoid the temptation of falling into the arms of the burly
Isaac Torres, the man with more than 300,000 followers on his Instagram account and two reality shows in his past: MTV Super Shore and MTV Revertiré.

Carla Divinity, actually, is called
Carla Castillo and she has a hair salon in Barcelona where, if we take into account the images on her Facebook account, only people with very long hair go to curl the ends.
He likes his two chihuahuas and Instagram filters.

This is Isaac Torres and this is his good profile /


For his part, Isaac Torres is a
veteran of the television world that causes more embarrassment to others. He calls himself “the little wolf”, his objective is to get money with his social networks (this is what he confessed to
MTV I will resist) and find his “Little Red Riding Hood” (as he has confessed for The Island of Temptations), his motto is let’s live and let whatever has to happen happen, and he knows perfectly well what his good profile is when he poses on Instagram.

So much
Carla and Isaac seem like clones of participants in other Mediaset products as guilty pleasure as The Island of Temptations: young people of perfect proportions concerned about their physique (theirs and those of others) and with the ambition to make a place for themselves in the ephemeral world of “modeling and luxury”, whatever this means. mean.


Mayka, Melodie and Patry value their time on ‘Temptation Island’

If the game of sentimental identification that the viewer relives with the vicissitudes of separated couples and with doubts (who has not felt tempted or deceived at some point?)
adds this type of human “bait”loaded with everything that the canons of beauty make socially attractive… but without anything that that same society dictates is attractive in a partner (does anyone know where the values ​​or integrity are in a person who by contract has to ” tempt”?),
the conflict is served… and it is a conflict that is going to have us hooked to the couch, no matter what.