Kollywood Dalapathy Vijay’s latest movie is The Goat. The makers have released the trailer of this film directed by Venkat Prabhu. With this trailer, they have given full clarity about the story of the movie. And did this video please the fans..?
After giving clarity on the matter of political entry, Vijay’s film The Goat is being made as the hero. In this movie directed by Venkat Prabhu, Dalapathy is playing a dual role as father and son. The film unit, which is currently busy with post-production works, has increased the promotion speed.
The Goat movie is expected to be released on September 5 after completing all the programs. Production and post-production works have been planned accordingly. With the launch of the latest trailer, full clarity has been given regarding the release date of the movie as well as the content.
Vijay is going to be seen in the role of an ex-spy who works for a mission in The Goat movie. But the trailer was interestingly cut with emotional action scenes like the challenges faced in that mission and the help of father and son at that time.
The trailer cut was an instant hit with Vijay fans. With this, the expectations on the movie have reached peaks. Kollywood people say that if the film is in the same range, Vijay will have another blockbuster.