The Disciplinary Committee of the RFEF opens a file against Madrid after Sevilla’s complaint over the Real Madrid TV videos | Soccer | Sports


Sevilla has announced in its official media that the Disciplinary Committee of the Spanish Football Federation has initiated the opening of a file against Real Madrid following the complaint filed by the Andalusian club regarding the video broadcast by Real Madrid TV about the Isidro referees. Díaz de Mera and Pablo González Fuertes. Both referees were chosen to direct, on the pitch and in the VAR, respectively, the Real Madrid-Sevilla match on February 25, which ended with a 1-0 Madrid victory, both achieved by Modric.

“The Nervionense club decided to act when it understood that these practices, which have been repeated in recent times – including the first round match between both teams – do serious damage to Spanish football and call into question the integrity of the competition itself and the honorability of the refereeing team,” Sevilla says in a statement. “But, above all, they aim to influence the specific referees who act in the matches, since the videos try to create the image of a lack of professionalism and anti-Madridism, just before each match, with enormous dissemination through television” , adds the Sevillian entity.

Sources from the Federation consulted by this means allege that the case is unprecedented and that it is very complex to analyze. The federative entity will appoint an investigating judge who will be in charge of analyzing the case. His sentencing is expected within a month or a month and a half.

At Sevilla they are aware of how hard they have had to fight for this file to be opened, unprecedented in Spanish football. The first complaint presented by the Andalusian club prior to the clash was not attended to by the Competitions Department of the Spanish Federation, which observed an absence of details in it, going so far as to indicate to Sevilla that it was a series of evaluations and opinions rather than a complaint itself.

Sevilla did not give up. He asked the Federation to send him in writing why the Competition Committee did not address his complaint. Subsequently, the entity’s legal services prepared a “very detailed and complete” complaint, according to Seville media. The complaint was sent to the Federation last Friday and it was today that the federative bodies responded to Sevilla. The Andalusian entity considered to have violated, among others, articles 66, 94, 105 and 106 of the Disciplinary Code of the Spanish Football Federation.

A file is opened on a complicated matter such as checking whether the videos broadcast by Real Madrid TV coerce and determine the actions of the referees who whistle for Madrid. What is certain is that the broadcast of these videos one week after another, which Real Madrid TV has no intention of stopping, has been publicly denounced by the refereeing establishment itself and numerous First Division teams.

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