The bomb that Chula dropped in Gran Germano after re-entering the house – The USA Print Magazine


Carla De Stefano, better known as The Chula of Big Brother, He told the finalists everything that happens outside the house with his former fellow contestants. I would call you a psychopath and manipulator too”defined the former player, very bluntly, about one of the women who stood out for her character and ways of relating.

“How nice it is to have companions, outside, who take care of you,” Emmanuel said at a dinner shared between the finalists and the former participants who re-entered the house to help them campaign in their favor. And those statements by Vich triggered some spicy comments from Chula and Isabell, telling details of what things are like outside the house, far from what competitors estimate may be happening…

“Take good care of yourself, because they can take bad care of you or try to influence you”Isabel De Negri launched, without filters. But that was not all she had to say because, a few seconds later, she added: “There are people who can take bad care of you or try to influence you”to which Isabel added, spicy, which inevitably generated the astonishment of the participants of the reality show.

“They seek to psychopathize your mind – Isabel expressed – and if you are vulnerable… because there are people who are permeable and others who are not”. At that moment, Chula intervened with everything and finished: I would call you a psychopath and manipulator too”. To these comments, Chulua added a harsh comment in the form of a “bombshell” about what happens outside the doors of isolation.


“I would call you a psychopath and a manipulator too”; Chula assured, super tough when it comes to telling Nicolas Grosman, Emmanuel Vich and Bautista Mascia what really happens, in his opinion, when the isolation imposed by the reality show is broken Telefe. And of course, social media did not let what he said go unnoticed and speculations grew…

“For me, Catalina is going to end badly if she doesn’t let go of her hatred for Furia, and I say this being furious, she doesn’t even want to go to the galas because she’s there, she doesn’t want anyone to talk to her, she fights with the production unnecessarily, she’s not being smart and they’re going to end up with nothing for her.“, was one of the comments that Chula’s words brought about on social media.

“And how could Carla not be hot? If Cata, when she saw that she was given the opportunity to enter as support, began to criticize the production saying that she did not deserve it”; “Nobody is a saint of my devotion, but since the first week that Catalina was eliminated I have been hearing innuendos from the brothers, as if they do not agree with her, she gets angry and eliminates you from the WhatsApp group”say other posts in X.

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