The alarming fact that was revealed – The USA Print Magazine


Juliana Furia Scaglione is the main protagonist of the current Big Brother and who is taking advantage of the enormous popularity he has acquired. Last night he delighted all his followers with his presence at the Rhodes Circuswhere he put on a spectacular show.

After having completed her post-reality isolation, Telefe decided to let her start having more freedom when it comes to managing herself, generating content and being able to give interviews. Except for the program Georgina Barbarossawhere her panelists do not want her, Furia was in different cycles.

From Ariel in his element until Cut by Lozanoincluding the nights of the debate, were the places that had his presence. A channel that was ahead of everyone and as soon as the program was launched reached a strategic agreement with Telefe, is the 9.

Programs like Relentless either Blessed TVas happened last year with America TV with THE Mthey had the opportunity to interview and have as guests each of the boys who were leaving the GH house.

While Juliana was expected to be one of the main attractions, placing her on the floor of Canal 9 did not end up working out as expected. This is because while she was there, the ratings of the programs, instead of growing, remained the same and in some cases, dropped noticeably.


On Thursday he visited Bendita, which is where the first to be eliminated always goes. The newscast gave him a 3.7 and after a few minutes of his presence he dropped to 2.4, something historic for Beto Casella, who as soon as he left raised that number above 4 points, marking his usual rating.”, he commented Nacho Rodriguezin his note for the portal of C5N.

And although that number was enough for them to beat LAM, it turned out to be the lowest rating of the entire week. But that was not the only case, as it was also Every afternoon and Cooking schoolmarking in the magazine of Karin Cohen an average of 1.4, down from the 2.2 they had achieved the day before Furia passed.

The same thing happened on Telefe with Cortá Por Lozano and La noche de los ex, in the latter the debate of the former siblings of the house with his presence had an average of only one digit which was 9.9, while last week and with the XXL weekend it reached 10.3, another drop.“, the colleague highlighted.

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