The accident suffered by Matías Vázquez, the panelist of Partners of the show – The USA Print Magazine


Worrying news had a full impact on the media when in Show Partners, Matias Vazquezone of its panelists, recounted the dramatic accident that he was involved in on board his motorcycle and that caused him various injuries.

On Wednesday’s edition, Rodrigo Lussich He wanted to know how his partner was feeling due to what had happened and Matías gave details of the bad moment he experienced on public roads. “Between cottons but I’m fine“were Vázquez’s first words to bring peace of mind.

Telling in more depth what happened, as the panelist explained, he had no responsibility in the accident. In fact, he commented that the driver of the vehicle that hit him made an inappropriate maneuver and that caused the hit.

On Monday I left the canal, I was two blocks away from getting to my house and suddenly a reckless van that crossed to park caused me to hit a car. I had a helmet, thank God, but I hit my head squarely on a car.“Matías explained.


Once again, the importance of wearing a helmet on a motorcycle was vital so that an accident did not escalate. As soon as he could recover from the impact, Vazquez He was in a state of logical shock and had to be treated by doctors.

I got it cheap. I thank all the people who accompanied me. SAME helped me. At that moment you say ‘am I alive? What is going to happen?’. The impact was with my head, I was very scared. I took off my helmet and felt like I was getting dizzy. I have some stitches in my arm, some discomfort in my tibia but the CT scan was fine.”, he slipped.

One of the questions that Mariana Brey asked him is if the doctor authorized him to lead a normal life and Matías responded with total sincerity: “The secret here is not to remain static after an impact like that, emotionally I also needed to get back to work. People who drive have to be more careful.”.

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