Telecinco, we only want to see two things tonight in The Island of Temptations 3: the revenge of Fiama and Lucía in the form of a duvet and that the veto collar is put on Manuel


It’s coming
another warm Thursday night on Telecinco thanks to the girls and boys of
Temptation Island 3and the last program with videos from the island left us with our mouths open.
After the first bonfire with the boys seeing the behavior of their girlfriends with the tempters (for the memory is the express divorce of Jesús and Marina and Diego’s threat to Lola like “if you kiss that boy, I’ll keep the dog”) the revolution of the Spite sex came to the male village.

Under the argument of “we are being silly while they are having a great time” the male participants of Temptation Island 3 decided to give free rein to their desire and set off the alarm in their partner’s house, more than one, more than two and more than three times.
Fools of all colors They took place in the corners of the house, but the bloodiest of all the cases was that of Manuel.

Manuel couldn’t stop crying for Lucía and after the last program we don’t understand why. /


Manuel arrived at the program arm in arm with Lucía, his partner for three years and to whom he wanted to show eternal love and gratitude for having forgiven him.
having turned her into “the cuckold of Puerto Real” (Lucía dixit). Manuel cried in front of Lucía, Sandra Barneda and the Telecinco audience because of the damage that his infidelity had done to his girlfriend. Manuel continued crying while he watched Lucía walk away towards the beach villa.

Manuel stopped crying as soon as his girlfriend disappeared on the horizon and dedicated himself to the exciting task of trying to flirt with Stefany.
For Manuel, like Marina with Isaac, there is no need for the tempter to tempt him, he is already tempted by himself. But when in the last program they introduced Fiama as a new temptress, her head already exploded. Manuel did not know how to decide and he did not decide: on the same night he kissed both temptresses. When the girls confirmed the double, Troy burned.

Manuel being twice unfaithful to Lucía in Temptation Island 3. /


Manuel, who was the only boy who did not see images of his partner at the bonfire because there was nothing to show, convinced himself that
Lucía was doing tricks of such caliber in Villa Montala with the tempters that Telecinco did not dare to show them to him (really, Manuel?), so he decided to put the band-aid on before the wound and kiss all the female human beings who approached him.

He fell
Fiama’s anger, he got angry from Stefany, he even got angry from Jesús and he just blinked his eyes without understanding all the fuss. Therefore, tonight, when the girls have to decide which beach villa inhabitant they owe
give the veto necklace, we want them to give it to Manuel. In fact, we want them to give her as many necklaces as there are women on the island so that it is clear to her that she cannot touch any of them. And please, someone tell Lucía that it is time for her to give in to temptation. This edition of Temptation Island needs to start putting in the effort to rebalance karma and we want to see some of that effort tonight.