Tamara joins the “mud”, defends the judge and attacks Pedro Sánchez and his wife: “Despicable”


Outraged. This is how the Marchioness of Griñón expressed herself this Thursday when commenting on the strategy of Pedro Sanchez in the final stretch of the European elections: taking his wife to rallies and victimizing himself before the investigation of Begoña Gómez for two alleged crimes of business corruption and influence peddling. As the day of the statement before the judge arrives (next July 5), the President of the Government launches venom against the Judiciary and Tamara Falco has been blunt: “I found it terrible, despicable, that he says that this is the fault of the judges and that they are the ones who are persecuting him because there are elections on Sunday.”

Isabel Preysler’s daughter, who grew up with the socialist minister Miguel Boyer (who died in 2014), has attacked Pedro Sánchez and compared him to Donald Trump’s strategy: “I think that’s part of his speech to make it clear that it’s a witch hunt, like what Trump does, but it’s not true.”

In addition, Tamara, who is part of the gathering of The Anthill For two seasons now, he has taken advantage of his turn to speak to stand up for the magistrates in charge of the case: “And the truth is that the judges have come out saying no, sir, political power has nothing to do with judicial power. .. And we have called his wife because we have to investigate her.” And he added: “Our country’s judicial system works and judges have always shown that they can do things well.”

Along the same lines, his partner Cristina Pardo has commented: “Judicially we do not know what it will do, perhaps nothing, but ethically and aesthetically it does deserve an explanation from Pedro Sánchez. Saying that everything is mud and not denying anything is not clarifying.” To which Juan del Val added: “It seems like a sketch to me and when I heard Begoña I thought it was a funny thing… And he won’t pass… is he six years old? Can’t you see them from the outside?” “How ridiculous and pathetic is that? Begoña Gómez is being used in the electoral campaign.”

“Begoña is hard-working and honest”

Let us remember that this Wednesday, the President of the Government shared a new Letter to Citizens through the social network X, just a few hours after the judge summoned his wife to testify. “There is nothing behind this accusation, just a crude montage promoted by the demanding far-right associations (…) She is a hard-working and honest woman who claims her right to work without giving it up because of her husband’s responsibilities. “A right that I defend in my family life and for which I work as President of the Government of Spain to guarantee that men and women have the same opportunities and the same rights.”

He spoke, again, of the “mud machine” and cast doubt on the true causes of the investigation into Begoña: “It is strange that the summons occurs only five days before elections to the European Parliament are held.”