Suri Cruise turns 18: she comes of age and will be free to talk about her parents | People


The first time the world saw the face of Suri Cruise, then already the most famous baby on the planet, the child was barely five months old. But despite her young age, she had placed herself in the center of the cover of Vanity Fair and she appeared in all her early splendor, photographed by none other than photographer Annie Leibovitz. The photograph, as well as the report that accompanied it (with several more images), accurately titled Did anyone want to see me?, gave an idea of ​​the little girl’s popularity levels. Since then, 18 years have passed (minus five months). Those that the young, now adult, daughter of actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes celebrates this April 18. Its popularity is not so immense today, but the word that best defines it is hermeticism. And that’s just what now, with her coming of age (in New York State it’s 18, not 21), she can change, because she will be free to talk about her media parents. she pleases. It is more difficult for her to actually change.

Discretion is today the synonym of Suri Cruise. Actually, normality. It’s not that she’s hiding out in New York, where she’s lived with her mother for more than a decade. She lives a full life. It is normal to see her shopping, walking, with fellow students, in a cafeteria… anything a girl her age could do. A life very different from that of her first years, when each of her movements, her gestures, looks and childhood whims were analyzed. Without lifting an inch off the ground, it was common in fashion and trend publications. The cameras followed her wherever they went. As her mother commented in an interview (something unusual for her) four years ago with the magazine InStyletook the girl to the park at six in the morning so as not to be chased.

As a child she did not have a normal life. But she will probably never be completely, since Suri has the last name Cruise, and Tom is one of the biggest stars in the global film firmament. Of course, the father and daughter relationship is scarce. According to American media such as Page Six, They have not seen each other since 2012, although he would be obliged to pay her a pension of $400,000 per year which, precisely, will end now with the age of majority – the actor must continue to take care of Suri’s medical and educational expenses.

The summer of 2012 was when the separation of the until then media couple formed by Holmes and Cruise was announced. Their relationship, constantly exposed in the media (who forgets the jumps of an excited Tom Cruise on a sofa during an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2005?), culminated in a huge wedding in an Italian castle in November 2006 before 250 guests, little Suri among them. But Scientology, to which the actor belongs and is faithful, was always one more in the marriage, until it ended. The interpreter never entered the cult, and above all she did not want her daughter to participate in it, and the separation was total. The two crossed lands that same summer to go to New York and leave Cruise in Los Angeles (where he lives, bordering the United Kingdom). He remains closely linked to the sect, and according to former members of the sect who have met them and have gone through similar situations, it is as if Katie and Suri do not exist for them. When a member leaves the church, his family often leaves him behind, and may even be expelled from it, something that has not happened with the actor. Only the three of them (and their lawyers) know the specific facts, but it is difficult for any of them to speak about it, even though Suri could do so today.

Suri and Tom Cruise on a river walk in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in October 2009.James Devaney (Getty Images)

Before his relationship with Katie Holmes, Cruise had two other children, Bella and Connor. She adopted them and Nicole Kidman while they were married. They are now 31 and 29 years old and continue to have a good relationship with the actor, although not with Kidman. “They are adults. They are capable of making their own decisions. “They have made the decision to be Scientologists and as a mother, my job is to love them,” the actress stated in 2018. Bella got married years ago without the presence of her mother and has become a preacher of her cult. In fact, for Katie Holmes, observing the development in Scientology of the two young people, at that time just children, was what partly moved her to steer Suri away from that path.

The lives of mother and daughter changed a lot a little over a decade ago, but in this decade it has hardly changed. They both live in Manhattan peacefully and in each other’s company. Holmes kept a secret relationship with actor Jamie Foxx that was not known until almost its end. They started seeing each other in 2013, but it was in 2017 —when five years had passed since her divorce from Cruise; According to some American media, she had a clause that prohibited her from making any romance public when news of her union became known. They posed together in May 2019, but in August of that year their courtship ended. Later she was related to chefs, actors… casually. At the moment, the paparazzi are still not pursuing Suri looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe, for once, normality has won.