Spite for WandaGate – The USA Print Magazine


The first images of the China Suarez and L-Ghent together where they are seen sharing a particular approach where they exchange a necklace, which reveals a special trust between them, beyond the professional bond they currently share. For some, it would be revenge…

“We said that China Suárez and L-Gante were working on a joint project, specifically on a (musical) song. We speculated that this song could be a kind of revenge for WandaGate…” began Mercedes Cordero, in Let’s go girlsfor him City Channel.

“But, obviously, China Suárez and L-Gante not only share a recording studio… We receive these images where you can see that he is putting his chain on her,” The host explained, about what is seen in the video, the special rapprochement between the singers.

“This shows that this is not the first time they have seen each other, and it is not just that Elián Valenzuela has the gesture of giving him his chain, but that China seems to be very pleased to receive him. She does not seem upset or uncomfortable with the situation,” The journalist added, about what is revealed in the video, the link between Wanda’s former friend and the former third party in her relationship with Mauro Icardi.


They say that L-Gante is upset with Wanda because he is still “hooked” but the host decided to move forward in her relationship with Icardi, and did not give him any more space in her life. It was even said that he went to look for her at her house on her previous visit to the country and that Nara chose not to receive him, directly.


But, on the other hand, they say that Wanda feels a kind of “betrayal” on the part of L-Gante for his current rapprochement with China and for having made a song with her.

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