“Something is wrong with my body” – The USA Print Magazine


Camila Deniz entered Matter of weight with a firm objective: to lose weight and get rid of the extra kilos that bother you so much. However, more than a month after starting treatment on the reality show, things are not going as she expected.

The scale does not go down despite the fact that Camila assures that she strictly follows everything that the nutritionists from Alberto Cormillot’s team tell her. Disappointed, “Camilota” shared her disappointment after weighing herself after the Father’s Day weekend and left doubts in the studio: is she really following the diet?

The thing that keeps Deniz awake is that after the weekend, he managed to lose 200 kilos. “I was not satisfied because I thought it was going to go down more. “But I kept it up, I don’t know what’s happening to my body, I’ve been in treatment for a month now.”he stated.

“I haven’t drunk any alcohol for over a month, I’ve never drank so much water, something is wrong with me, what’s happening if I’m doing everything?”said the young woman, sad with the results she obtained, comparing herself with others.


“On Tuesday we worked in the consultation and we saw that not only weight is important, she managed to change many things regardless of weight. “You have to see what she does, what she likes the most, versus what suits her,” Estefania, Cormillot’s wife, then asked.

“Are you sure you respect everything? Or you are lying to me?”Mario Massaccessi asked the participant. Immediately afterwards, they passed a report in which Camila was seen hiding food in a bar, laughing, hiding her loot.

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