Shivani Rajasekhar entered the film industry as Rajasekhar’s successor. She gained recognition as a talented actress with movies like Aweem and WWW.
She acted in Tamil movies like ‘Anbarivu’ and ‘Nenjukku Neethi’ and entertained the audience there. Especially Shivani Rajasekhar’s role in Kota Bommali PS, where Srikanth came as the hero, got a good name.
Before that, the Telugu web series Ahana Pellanta starring Raj Tarun got record views in OTT.
Shivani’s performance in Vidya Vasula Aham, which was recently released as a direct OTT, was also praised for its good performance.
Currently she is grabbing movie opportunities in Telugu as well as Tamil. Meanwhile, Shivani Rajasekhar is fully active in social media as well as movies.
Especially, she is increasing her followers by sharing her glamorous and fashionable photos from time to time. The latest photos shared by Shivani are extremely impressive to the youth.